Platinum Savings Group

Shipping & Freight Cost Reduction

Revolutionary shipping platform optimizes costs, streamlines workflow, and enhances efficiency.

Key Points: 

☑️ Full service – End to end

☑️ Single solution to automate, integrate, and scale complex parcel operations

  • Multiple users & multiple locations

☑️ Uncover efficiencies and cost savings from click to cash

☑️ Multi-mode / multi-carrier / high volume

☑️ Participate in rate aggregation

  • We pool all our clients together to get THE best possible rates
  • Clients pay same USPS rate as Amazon

☑️ Find the right carrier mix, rate base, robust parcel & LTL platform

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☑️ 80+ direct API carrier connections, over 1500 final mile carriers

  • We custom-build APIs (no charge)

☑️ Required + $2M/yr shipping spend (mostly parcel)

  • 500 → 100,000 packages daily

☑️ Keep your current carriers

☑️ Lower overall shipping costs with a multi-carrier shipping platform with preferred shipping rates for small parcel and LTL

☑️ Over $100M saved

In today’s business landscape, shipping costs constitute a significant portion of annual revenue, ranging from five to ten percent. However, many companies lack the resources or time to manage this expense efficiently. Complicating matters further, shipping carriers have introduced unnecessary complexities, resulting in overspending and decreased competitiveness.

Enter our revolutionary solution: a state-of-the-art shipping execution platform, provided at no cost to qualifying clients. Paired with exclusive rates and unparalleled cost-saving strategies, our platform revolutionizes shipping management. It goes beyond label printing, offering a fully automated, multi-carrier system that continually optimizes small parcel and LTL shipments for maximum savings. Clients maintain flexibility by seamlessly integrating their existing carriers into our platform.

Backed by proprietary software and facilitating over two hundred million parcels shipped annually across more than twenty thousand clients, we grant access to rates previously unattainable. Our clients typically experience savings ranging from 15% to 40% on shipping expenses, all while streamlining their workflow processes for enhanced efficiency.

Just a few of the many companies our team has helped...


Key Benefits

Process Overview

Shipping process

Case Study #1 – Factory Motor Parts

At a Glance

  • Major supplier of motor parts had warehouses operating independently and poorly on multiple systems
  • Losing revenue in undercharging for shipping and missed billing among many locations 
  • Difficult to bring in new customers due to individual billing accounts and customer specific rate logic 
  • We brought all shipping processes for all warehouses under one system 

Result has been elimination of expensive errors, visibility into the entire organization, accurate billing, unified control, and no more Post-It notes!

The Problem

Factory Motor Parts manufacturer in MN was growing fast but faced constant issues with disparate, unconnected systems. They had just under 100 warehouse locations — some using a customized version of shipping software that had not scaled well, while others were using various other platforms. There was no uniformity or guidance in shipping and selecting of carriers. Pricing was inconsistent and disorganized. Human error was causing them to undercharge customers, and they were billing a fraction of what it was really costing to ship. Still further billing issues were causing them to constantly miss billing third-party accounts. Cleanup of data issues from their many warehouses was a regular chore and waste of valuable time. Adding new customers was a major undertaking due to individual billing accounts and the necessary customer-specific logic. Vital rate information was often kept on Post-It notes.

The Solution

We first replaced the existing systems in a small selection of locations as a pilot group. Once the correct logic was in place and the system was working smoothly, we rolled out the system to the remaining locations in two months. We then worked with the operations/IT teams for a smooth transition, holding training sessions several times a week to get all personnel up to speed quickly. By adding customized logic to fix all rating issues, they could charge customers the correct amount at the right time. Additional logic identified order thresholds (including profit-level on each order) and allowed for a free shipping option when profitable. Shipstore integrated with the existing ERP system, allowing real-time updates with rate and user information per order, facilitating automated notification emails to customer.s Additionally, we set up our Advanced Shipment Notification (ASN) feature so that advanced customers can scan a label on the box and see everything inside. Without unboxing, the receiving dock can match contents with their own system.


The company’s billing issues were completely eliminated! They now charge customers accurately and consistently. Where their shipping process was diverse and complex, there is now consistency across all locations, and the corporate office has control. Overall they now see increases in revenue, a decrease in wasted time, and they scale faster. They have grown to nearly 150 warehouses with nearly zero friction or strain on their processes.

Key Benefits

  • Optimize shipping costs with revolutionary platform.
  • Enhance efficiency through streamlined workflow processes.
  • Unlock unprecedented savings with exclusive rates.
  • Seamlessly integrate existing carrier networks.
  • Automate shipment management with multi-carrier system.

Why Choose Us:

Opt for revolutionary shipping management, streamlined workflow, and unprecedented savings with our innovative platform.

We save you money, or you don't pay.

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